Rp 99.000

Pineapple Luxury Premium Towel by Kuma Kuma

Registry 38 Terjual 3

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Detil Produk

Pineapple Luxury Towel by Kuma Kuma ini adalah pilihan tepat untuk kebutuhan keluarga. Memiliki 20% lebih tebal, super lembut dan memiliki kemampuan menyerap dengan sangat baik. Handuk Pineapple Kuma-Kuma sangat baik untuk digunakan sebagai handuk setelah mandi ataupun dijadikan blanket.

Kenapa LUXURY TOWEL by Kuma Kuma?
- 20 % lebih tebal
- Anti bakterial
- Lembut karena terbuat dari serat tenunan yang sangat halus
- Berdaya serap tinggi karena adanya kandungan polyester yang bersifat lyophilic pada kain ini
- Multifungsi ( dapat dijadikan handuk atau blanket )
- Kombinasi serat kainnya yang sangat halus dan penggunaan bahan microfiber premium, aman untuk kulit bayi
- Nyaman dikulit dan tidak menimbulkan iritasi/alergi

Spesifikasi produk :
- Size 140 cm x 70 cm
Toleransi ukuran sekitar +/- 1-2 cm.
- Exclusive side sewing
- Certification K3L No : 20-L-000458

Jika barang yang diterima tidak dalam kondisi baik, customer berhak mengajukan komplain, dengan catatan harus menyertakan video unboxing. Tanpa video unboxing, komplain tidak kami layani.


Pineapple Luxury Towel by Kuma Kuma is the right choice for your family needs. It has 20% thicker, super soft material and also has very good absorbing abilities. The Pineapple Kuma-Kuma towel is very useful for after bathing or as a blanket.

Why do you have to buy LUXURY TOWEL by Kuma Kuma?
- 20% thicker material
- Anti-bacterial
- Gentle due to the use of extremely fine woven fibers.
- The polyester content which is lyophilic in this fabric makes this towel have excellent air absorbing capabilities

- Multifunctional (can be used as a towel or blanket)
- A combination of its ultra-fine fabric fibers and usage of premium microfiber materials, it is safe for babies' skin
- Comforting to skin and free of allergens or irritants

Product specifications:
- Size 140 cm x 70 cm
- Exclusive side sewing
- K3L Certification No: 20-L-000458

For parents who want to send gifts, greeting cards, and wrapping paper you can get it from us for free. You can add your words to the notes.

If the item received is not in a good condition, The customer has a right to file a complaint by providing an unboxing video as an evidence, without any, we don't serve any complaints.

#premiumtowel #towel #kumakuma #handukpremium #luxurytowel
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House Kuma Kuma


DKI Jakarta

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